TryHackMe: Protocols and Servers Write-up
Today, I’ll be doing some write-up for the TryHackMe room. This room is called Protocols and Servers which is a part of the Jr Penetration tester path.
Let’s get started.
Link to TryHackMe Protocols and Servers Room:
Task 2 Telnet
To which port will the telnet command with the default parameters try to connect?
Ans: 23
Task 3 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
To retrieve the flag.thm, we can just type in
GET /flag.thm HTTP/1.1
host: telnet
and we get the flag!
Task 4 File Transfer Protocol
In the command line, type “ftp <MACHINE_IP>”. The password and name is provided.
Use the ”get” command to download the file and we can get the flag.
Task 5 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
This is even more simple. Just type “telnet <MACHINE_IP> <PORT>” and we are done!
Task 6 Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3)
This is pretty similar to the previous exercise. After we use telnet to connect to port 110, we are required to insert USER and PASS.
Output after entering STAT
Ans: +OK 0 0
To show the list of mails, we can type LIST.
The total available mail to download.
Ans: 0
TASK 7 Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
For this part, we just need to know the default port for IMAP.
Ans: 143
So, that's all for this room. This room is pretty good for those who are not familiar with protocols and servers or are new to the cybersecurity field.
Thank you for reading!