TryHackMe Linux Agency Write-up
Hi everyone, today I would like to share my write-up about the Linux Agency room from the TryHackMe platform created by Xyan1d3 and 0z09e. Without further ado, let’s start!
Link to TryHackMe’s Linux Agency Room:
Linux Fundamentals
First, ssh into the machine using the given credentials.
And we got the mission1 flag.
Let’s change the user to mission1.
And this one is easy…
Now, change user to mission2. Display the flag.txt and get the mission2 flag.
Change user to mission2.
Let’s get the mission3 flag.
Change user to mission3.
Hmm, it seems to be “stolen” by some thieves. It’s ok, we can get it for sure.
What if we try nano?
Change user to mission4.
Change user to mission5.
Changer user to mission6.
Change user to mission7.
We need to change the directory to mission7.
Changer user to mission8.
The flag is located at / directory.
Change user to mission9.
So, after changing our directory to mission9, we saw rockyou.txt. As we know, rockyou.txt is filled with tons of words and we are not able to look through it by scrolling. So, we can use the grep command to get the flag.
The question is getting more tricky. Which I like!
Now, change user to mission10. We can see the folder is full of “fake” folders. So, in order to get the flag.txt file we wanted badly, we can use the find function to get the text file.
And we have it.
I take some time to find it but failed. So, I take a look at the hit provided. And it stated at EVS.
For this flag, we need to change the mode of the flag.txt.
Take the encoded strings to CyberChef and we are done.
Or we can just use the command line.
For this, we can also use CyberChef. ;D
Look for Binary.
The same, CyberChef.
The flag is an executable. I can’t find any useful after I use the command “strings”. So, I use chmod +x to make the flag to be executable.
We can see it is a java file. So, I tried to look into the file to get a quick answer. But it seems no.
So, we can get the flag by:
This mission, yes. The same pattern. It's Ruby time.
So, just run using ruby.
This one, C.
So, we should compile the code first.
Then, run it.
Python. YES!
In this task, we encounter a python interactive shell. But as we know, flag.txt is located in the mission’s director. So, we can use the commands to get the flag.txt.
exec() — execute a dynamically created program.
open() — open a file
read() — display the content
To back to the shell, just type exit().
I tried to search for quite some time but in vain. But, we can see that the creator state that the “hosts” will help you. Which makes me think about the web. So, go to /var/www/html and display the document of index.html.
It’s an executable. Run it and this appears.
I use grep and it works.
To change user, just enter exit and change user using su.
Now, set up a simple HTTP serv using Python3.
By using wget command, we can download the flag.jpg.
Run exiftool.
Now, this file has a bunch of strings behind it. And we need to identify the file type. Same, we just setup the HTTP server.
Run wget command to download the file.
For me, I’ll just use and look to the header of the file.
Surprisingly, it just appears.
I don't know why, but I just grep and get it. XD
Yes, the same style to get Viktor's flag. XD
Privilege Escalation
Dalia’s flag
Found this based on the hints given by the creator.
So, we add a command into the file.
Add the Bash TCP reverse shell to the This can be found at
Set up a listener before editing the .sh file.
And we got it.
Silvio’s flag
Great, now we can run sudo -l.
Let's go to GTFOBins for zip.
Run the command.
Run spawn shell.
Obtain the flag.
Reza’s flag
Now, Reza’s turn.
Search in GTFOBins again.
Let’s run it.
Yes, we are Reza now. Remember spawn pty shell.
Jordan’s flag
Jordan’s turn.
To be continue… Stay tuned…