OSCP — Passed on the second time — My honest opinion and my journey from zero to OSCP.Hello guys, its me again! I know that I did not update or post anything for a very long time, and I am sorry about it. Still, I am happy…Aug 26, 2024Aug 26, 2024
LemonSqueezy machine — WalkthroughHi guys, Happy New Year! Hope you guys have a great year!Dec 31, 2023Dec 31, 2023
EVM machine — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the eleventh day and eleventh box (11D-11B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per…Dec 28, 2023Dec 28, 2023
Tr0ll machine — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the tenth day and tenth box (10D-10B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day…Dec 27, 2023Dec 27, 2023
Toppo machine — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the ninth day and ninth box (9D-9B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day (if…Dec 27, 2023Dec 27, 2023
Breach 1.0 machine — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the eighth day and eighth box (D-8B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day (if…Dec 26, 2023Dec 26, 2023
NullByte machine — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the seventh day and seventh box (7D-7B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day…Dec 24, 2023Dec 24, 2023
Djinn machine— WalkthroughHi guys, this is the sixth day and sixth box (6D-6B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day (if…Dec 23, 2023Dec 23, 2023
Bob machine — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the fifth day and fifth box (6D-6B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day (if…Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023
Black Pearl box — WalkthroughHi guys, this is the third day and fourth box (3D-4B for my personal reference). I will be trying to complete at least one box per day (if…Dec 18, 2023Dec 18, 2023